TSQL Exercise on Adventure Works Database part-7

Hello All,

We are back & going to work on views & Table Expressions.

1) Retrieve product model descriptions

Retrieve the product ID, product name, product model name, and product model summary for each product from the SalesLT.Product table and the SalesLT.vProductModelCatalogDescription view.

SELECT P.ProductID, P.Name AS ProductName, PM.Name AS ProductModel, PM.Summary
FROM SalesLT.Product AS P
JOIN SalesLT.vProductModelCatalogDescription AS PM
ON P.ProductModelID = PM.ProductModelID

2) Create a table of distinct colors

Create a table variable and populate it with a list of distinct colors from the SalesLT.Product table. Then use the table variable to filter a query that returns the product ID, name, and color from the SalesLT.Product table so that only products with a color listed in the table variable are returned.

DECLARE @colors AS TABLE (Color nvarchar(15));
INSERT INTO @Colors SELECT   distinct Color FROM SalesLT.Product;
SELECT ProductID, Name, Color
FROM SalesLT.Product WHERE Color IN (SELECT Color FROM @Colors);

3) Retrieve product parent categories

The AdventureWorksLT database includes a table-valued function named dbo.ufnGetAllCategories, which returns a table of product categories (for example ‘Road Bikes’) and parent categories (for example ‘Bikes’). Write a query that uses this function to return a list of all products including their parent category and category.

SELECT C.ParentProductCategoryName AS ParentCategory,
       C.ProductCategoryName AS Category,
       P.ProductID, P.Name AS ProductName
FROM SalesLT.Product AS P
JOIN dbo.ufnGetAllCategories() AS C
ON P.ProductCategoryID = C.ProductCategoryID
ORDER BY ParentCategory, Category, ProductName;

4) Retrieve sales revenue by customer and contact

Retrieve a list of customers in the format Company (Contact Name) together with the total revenue for that customer. Use a derived table or a common table expression to retrieve the details for each sales order, and then query the derived table or CTE to aggregate and group the data.

SELECT CompanyContact, SUM(SalesAmount) AS Revenue
(SELECT CONCAT(c.CompanyName, CONCAT(' (' + c.FirstName + ' ', c.LastName + ')')), SOH.TotalDue
FROM SalesLT.SalesOrderHeader AS SOH
JOIN SalesLT.Customer AS c
ON SOH.CustomerID = c.CustomerID) AS CustomerSales(CompanyContact, SalesAmount)
GROUP BY CompanyContact
ORDER BY CompanyContact;

 -- Get sales revenue by company and contact (using CTE)
WITH CustomerSales(CompanyContact, SalesAmount)
(SELECT CONCAT(c.CompanyName, CONCAT(' (' + c.FirstName + ' ', c.LastName + ')')), SOH.TotalDue
 FROM SalesLT.SalesOrderHeader AS SOH
 JOIN SalesLT.Customer AS c
 ON SOH.CustomerID = c.CustomerID)
SELECT CompanyContact, SUM(SalesAmount) AS Revenue
FROM CustomerSales
GROUP BY CompanyContact


Kote Easwar said…
very nice info boss