Multi Subnet Always on Failover Scenarios part -2

Hi Mates,

Today we are going to see the continuation of the part-1.

In the previous post we explored some scenarios with & with out Quorum.  However the solution what I provided in Case-4 can't be done in real time. As we can't wait for the situations to get normal.

As a DBA we want to ensure Business continuity so here I will give you the solution for the same.

Frankly speaking I have seen no of times people hitting the panic button. I mean instead of fixing the solution either they start looking for RCA or even some times they run out of solutions.

From now if you are in the same situation as in case 4 (means only one node is up & cluster service is being down on the same node) just follow the below steps.

Step 1: Ensure Fail over cluster module is Available. you can check this by firing the command 
Get-Module -ListAvailable if it is not then import it by firing Import-Module FailoverClusters

Step 2: once the cmdlets are available then we can fire the below command

Start-ClusterNode -Name "NODE10"  -FixQuorum

The Start-ClusterNode PowerShell cmdlet will start the Cluster Service on the current node. The -FixQuorum parameter will force the cluster node to start even if quorum has not been active. In this case, quorum will not be active because you only have 1 out of the 3 possible votes in the cluster.

Step 3: Set the NodeWeight property of the cluster node to guarantee that it is a voting member of the quorum.Once the WSFC has been brought online, make sure that the cluster node is guaranteed as a voting member. This can be done by using the Get-ClusterNode PowerShell cmdlet, setting the NodeWeight property equal to 1.

(Get-ClusterNode –Name "NODE10").NodeWeight = 1

Step 4: we can check the node weight as mentioned above in the screen shot. Lastly whether you are operating in Synchronous or Asynchronous when we are running in force quorum mode then we need to fire only the below command to bring the AG online. If we fire just Failover we will get the below error.


These steps would bring back the AG online. once the node is back & your witness issue if fixed everything would work as expected.

Hope this would be useful for you :) Thanks for reading
