Why my Differential backups are not running on Primary Replica

Hi Mates,

One of my friends contacted me saying that she was not able to perform Differential backups on Primary Replica. 

I was little surprised to hear this however I quickly asked her to check if they were part of Distributed Availability Groups.

So why you were not able to achieve this? If you understand DAG properly it is nothing but Group of Availability Groups . We can configure this across different domains and clusters. 

The Fundamental difference between Always ON AG and DAG is in  traditional AG(Single or Multi) there will be only one replica sending log records across all the replicas where as in DAG the primary will send the records to all the replicas in one Data center and to primary replica in another Data Center. In short we call this as forwarder replica and this replica will send the log records to other replicas in the cluster.

Above is the image what I got  from her even though it is primary replica in her case as this replica is being part of DAG it is technically secondary replica. 

when it comes to Log Backups I wrote an article which helps you in configuring them.


In case of full backups if you make use of Ola Hallengren scripts and left with default settings of Backup preference (prefer Secondary) then you will see databases being backed up on both Data centers.

Now the question is Do you want the Full backups to happen on Both Datacenters? If yes then you can live with your defaults. Otherwise you need to add a logic to your jobs so that the full backups only on one Data center. 

I am using the same logic of what I made use for Log Backups. First check if DAG is primary or not and if it is then check whether the replica is secondary inside the primary DAG. If so then run the Full backup. 


    @DAG VARCHAR(MAX),  @AG varchar(50), @primary varchar(50)


DECLARE cursor_product CURSOR


             select  s.primary_replica

from sys.dm_hadr_availability_group_states s

inner join sys.availability_groups g

on s.group_id=g.group_id

where g.name like '%-DAG%' 

and s.primary_replica  in (select g.name

from sys.dm_hadr_availability_group_states s

inner join sys.availability_groups g

on s.group_id=g.group_id

inner join sys.availability_replicas r

on s.group_id =r.group_id

where r.replica_server_name in ('NODE1','NODE2','NODE3'))

OPEN cursor_product;

FETCH NEXT FROM cursor_product INTO @DAG





select @primary =  s.primary_replica

from sys.dm_hadr_availability_group_states s

inner join sys.availability_groups g

on s.group_id =g.group_id

where g.name=@DAG


IF @primary != @@SERVERNAME

EXECUTE [dbo].[DatabaseBackup]

@AvailabilityGroups = @DAG,

@Directory = N'\\XXXXXXXXX',

                                                        @BackupType = 'FULL',

                                                        @Verify = 'Y',

                                                        @CleanupTime = 72,


                                                        @CheckSum = 'Y',

                                                        @LogToTable = 'Y'



 FETCH NEXT FROM cursor_product INTO 




CLOSE cursor_product;

DEALLOCATE cursor_product;

If you see the above script I am searching for string DAG  which means in your environment it can be different. As always you need to follow proper naming conventions to be hassle free.


Thank you very much for sharing your valuable experience with us,as always the article is very informative...